The file contains materials related to the rehearsal and performance of the play, all of which are marked as belonging to Theodor Bloch, who ran a theater lending library in Philadelphia from around 1880 to 1895. Included are a published copy (without publishing information) that has been annotated as a prompt-book, and 16 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Madame Brunn, Banquiers-Wittwe; Gottfried Wöhrmann, Fabrikant; Eduard Baron v. Brunnstädt; Amadeus Baron v. Brunnstädt; Cecilie, Eduards Sohn; Marquis d'Arlincourt; Justizrath Hackmann; Anselm, Buchhalter; Heloise Duvalon, eine Tänzerin; Fleurette, Kammermädchen; Lorchen, Kammerjungfer; Gertrud, Haushälterin; Frau Helmerson, Wittwe; Leinert, Pächter; ein Commissair; and ein Diener des Barons. (The published copy shows two additional roles: Rosa and Minna, the children of Cecilie). Some of the names of actors written on the role books are recognizable from the casts of other German-language plays performed in Philadelphia in the mid to late 1870s. (The collection's holdings of theater newspapers and playbills do not contain any reference to this play.)